How it works

The fuel cell is the central component.
Fuel cells play a key role in the mobile and stationary generation of electricity. They operate using methanol and hydrogen, which reduces our dependency on oil and gas. The fuel cell charges the battery while the vehicle is in use, producing hydrogen on board.

Vehicles that are filled directly with hydrogen have low-temperature fuel cells (60–90°C). By contrast, fuel cells that use the methanol reforming process operate at 160–195°C and are therefore less sensitive to contamination.

Mass production has significantly reduced the cost of bipolar plates.
Copyrighted and patented 3D production methods allow the bipolar plates that form part of fuel cells to be mass produced. A combination of high-precision 3D screen printing, advanced materials and the use of a femto laser not only guarantees extremely precise channels, but also allows for an improved design and reduced wall thicknesses. This extends the life of the fuel cell and significantly increases its performance.

CO2-neutral mobility with green methanol.
Traditional methanol production relies on fossil fuels such as natural gas or coal, but green methanol is manufactured from water and renewable electricity, for example produced by wind turbines, with the addition of recycled carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. Liquid methanol used as a fuel can be transported and stored safely.

Existing vehicles can be converted.
nexmobility is working with major automotive manufacturers to find a cost-effective solution for new vehicle buyers. But existing vehicles can also be converted to run on methanol without problems.

Pay-per-use model for the logistics industry.
Logistics companies pay only for what they use, which makes their financial planning more flexible. We cover the entire value chain from the vehicle and the energy management system through to charging for the green kilometres.

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